Ultramoderný univerzálny kočík Carrello Ultra 2v1 pre náročných rodičov. Vyrobené z lešteného eloxovaného hliníka - hliník počas eloxovania prechádza elektrolýzou, aby sa na povrchu vytvorila hladká a ochranná vrstva oxidu, čím sa zlepšujú jeho antikorózne vlastnosti a zároveň sa zlepšuje jeho estetický vzhľad. A rám kočíka naozaj vyzerá šik!
Elegant, distinctive, and maneuverable, the Carrello Ultra CRL-6525 2-in-1 stroller is designed to meet the needs of the most demanding customers. This next-generation Carrello Ultra CRL-6525 stroller is made from polished anodized aluminum, meeting high standards of comfort, safety, and functionality.CarrycotThe carrycot with the chassis can be easily operated with one hand thanks to the "Memory Button" adapters. The hypoallergenic inner fabric can be removed for easy maintenance.Reversible SeatThe seat back can be adjusted to three positions, including a flat position for napping.ChassisAll wheels feature suspension with springs. The front wheels can be locked in a straight position. Specifications• Folding type: Book-style• Max. load: 22 kg• Handle height adjustment: Yes, telescopic• Reversible seat adjustment: 3 positions• Protective bumper: Yes, removable, swivelingAdditonal equipment in the box:- Backpack- Raincover- Foot cover- Adapters for carrycot (to make it higher)- Adapters for car seat group "0" Maxi-Cosi systemDimensions• Frame weight with wheels: 7 kg• Carrycot weight: 4.5 kg• Reversible seat weight: 5.5 kg• Reversible seat length: 89 cm• Carrycot size (interior): 75x30x20 cm (LxWxH)• Wheel diameter: Front: 18 cm; Rear: 24 cmSeat: 90-98x29 cmHandle height: Minimum 90 cm, Maximum 107 cm